Reforge Insight Analytics makes the collection, triage, and analysis of qualitative data super easy, so you can focus on building better product with faster insights.

Let’s get started and make waves!

Setup Workspace

The fastest way to set up workspace is through You can start free trial with starter plan, or ping to kickstart growth tier free trial. Once you’ve set up your workspace, simply go to Settings/Members to invite by email or invite link.

If you have multiple workspaces, go the top left to switch between multiple workspaces.

Connect Data Sources

You can import data via CSV, native integrations, Zapier, or API.

Create Themes Report

To create your first report, go to Themes page and click Run Report. If there are enough data in the report to produce themes, you can see them under each category. You can also choose to create report with filtered snippets.

Ask Monty

Ask Monty are a key part of understanding and interacting with your data. Reforge Insight Analyticsprovides the following functions along with chat: search, share, and save. You can use Ask Monty to ask reasoning question like “Why users churn” or dive into details like “Help me find the top pain points on user experience from data in Q2 2023”.

You can use these results to make data-driven decisions about how to improve your customer and product experience with your team.

Not Sure How to Use?

View Reforge Insight Analytics with an example, demo workspace!

Go to Settings → Account → demo to access a demo workspace