Access at:

Or follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Reforge Insight Analytics dashboard
  2. Navigate to Contacts -> Accounts tab
  3. Click the ”+ Account” button in the top right corner

You must have the appropriate permissions to access the accounts import feature. Contact your workspace administrator if you cannot access this section.

CSV Format

Your CSV file should contain the following columns:

  • name - The account/company name
  • domain - The company’s domain (e.g., “”)
  • contractValue - The account’s contract value (numeric)
  • Additional columns - Any other columns will be stored as metadata on the account

Example CSV

Acme Corp,,50000,Manufacturing,1000

How Accounts Are Matched

When importing accounts, the system attempts to match each row with existing accounts using the following logic:

  1. First, looks for an existing account with matching domain in your workspace.
  2. If no match by domain, looks for an existing account with matching name in your workspace.
  3. If a match is found:
    • Updates the account with new data while preserving existing data.
    • Merges any new metadata fields with existing metadata.
  4. If no match is found and either name or domain is provided:
    • Creates a new account with the provided data.

Required Fields

You must provide at least one of:

  • name
  • domain

Rows missing both fields are invalid and will be skipped during import.

Data Validation

  • name and domain are validated as strings.
  • contractValue is converted to a number if valid, otherwise ignored.
  • All other columns are stored as metadata on the account.

Best Practices

  1. Include domain when possible - this provides the most reliable account matching.
  2. Use consistent naming - accounts are matched exactly on name.
  3. Include any additional fields you want to track as metadata columns.
  4. Review your CSV data before upload to ensure accuracy.

What Happens During Import

  1. System validates all rows in your CSV.
  2. For each valid row:
    • Attempts to match existing accounts.
    • Updates matched accounts or creates new ones.
    • Preserves existing data while adding new data.

Supported File Types

The account import accepts the .csv and .xlsx files