
Set up Widget

To set up your widget, go to Widget settings

To enable the widget, you must add your website’s domain to the whitelist. Your widget will only work from domains that you have added to the whitelist.

After you’ve added a domain, copy the widget script and add it to your page’s <head>.

Configure Widget

You can modify the script by providing custom options to Monterey("init") or calling Monterey("configure", options). Available options are below:

  • token: string Do not modify this
  • showWidget: boolean If false, the widget will be hidden and the widget modal must be toggled programmatically. See “Toggle Widget” below.
  • position: "bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right" Changes the placement of the widget on the page
  • primaryColor: string CSS color code to change the button primary color
  • secondaryColor: string CSS color code to change the button secondary color
  • tags: string[] Optional tags that all widget feedback will be tagged with

Toggle Widget

If the widget is configured with showWidget: false, the widget modal can be toggled programmatically. To show or hide the modal, call Monterey("toggleWidget")

Identify Users

To associate your app users with feedback in Monterey, you must first identify them in our system. To do this, call the identify function:

Monterey("identify", {
  name: user.name,
  email: user.email,