
Reforge Insight Analytics can connect to and pull data from your data warehouse of choice. Currently, we support Snowflake, but are always looking to expand our integrations.


To connect with Snowflake, you can request our account details and use Secure Data Sharing. Secure data sharing allows you to give us the targeted access to just the data you want to share.


We support several schemas and relationships between tables. With each of the schemas defined below, you can also provide a list of additional column names that you would like to be included on the respective fields as metadata. A few examples of common additional fields are for feedback or conversation messages, a “version” number that the feedback refers to, or for Contacts, a “plan” or “subscription tier”. When working with the team to connect to your data warehouse, simply share with us fields beyond those defined below that you would like to have included!

Standalone Feedback

Standalone feedback are singular items of feedback, such as a review or a single response to a question.

Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
idYesSTRINGUnique identifier for the feedback record
descriptionYesSTRINGThe main feedback content
created_atYesSTRINGWhen the feedback was created
updated_atYesDATEWhen the feedback was last updated
sourceNoSTRINGThe source of the feedback, e.g. “HUBSPOT”
titleNoSTRINGOptional title for the feedback
contact_idNoSTRINGOptional identifier linking to a contact


A conversation is a collection of conversational feedback messages. For example, a chat log between a support agent and a user.

Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
idYesSTRINGUnique identifier for the conversation
titleNoSTRINGOptional title for the conversation
sourceNoSTRINGThe source of the feedback, e.g. “HUBSPOT”
created_atYesSTRINGWhen the conversation was created
updated_atNoDATEWhen the conversation was last updated

Conversation Message

These are the individual messages within a conversation, and should be linked to a conversation by the conversation_id field.

Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
idYesSTRINGUnique identifier for the message
created_atYesDATEWhen the message was sent
updated_atNoDATEWhen the message was last updated
conversation_idYesSTRINGID of the conversation this message belongs to
contentYesSTRINGThe message content
incomingYesBOOLEANWhether the message was sent by an external user
contact_idNoSTRINGOptional identifier linking to a contact


Contacts are the users of your product.

Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
idYesSTRINGUnique identifier for the contact
nameYesSTRINGThe contact’s full name
emailYesSTRINGThe contact’s email address
account_idYesSTRINGThe account the contact belongs to
created_atYesDATEWhen the contact was created
updated_atYesDATEWhen the contact was last updated


Accounts are the companies that your contacts belong to.

Field NameRequiredTypeDescription
idYesSTRINGUnique identifier for the account
nameYesSTRINGThe account’s name
domainYesSTRINGThe account’s domain
contract_valueNoNUMBERThe account’s contract value
created_atYesDATEWhen the account was created
updated_atYesDATEWhen the account was last updated