
Tap into the pulse of your Reddit community! This integration helps you capture valuable feedback and discussions from the subreddits that matter to your product. Whether you’re tracking feature requests, monitoring user sentiment, or gathering competitive insights, we’ve got you covered.

Our powerful collection engine automatically gathers:

  • Up to 1,000 of the most relevant posts based on your preferred sorting method
  • The top 10 comment threads for each post to capture the most impactful discussions
  • Comment threads up to 10 levels deep to follow complete conversation flows

Stay on top of what your community is saying without having to manually browse Reddit all day. Let us do the heavy lifting while you focus on turning these insights into action.


To get started, navigate to the Reddit integration settings page.


Click "Connect to Reddit" button


After being redirected, log in or sign up to Reddit and click "Allow" to grant access.


Start typing to search for and add a subreddit to monitor.


Configure sort preferences

  • Hot - Posts currently receiving high engagement, combining recent submission time with positive vote ratios
  • New - Most recently submitted posts in chronological order, regardless of score
  • Top - Posts with the highest overall score (upvotes minus downvotes) over a selectable time period
  • Rising - Posts gaining upvotes and comments rapidly, potential candidates for “Hot”
  • Controversial - Posts with close upvote/downvote ratios, indicating divided opinions

If using Top sort, select time range

  • Hour - Best performing posts from the last hour
  • Day - Best performing posts from the last 24 hours
  • Week - Best performing posts from the last 7 days
  • Month - Best performing posts from the last month
  • Year - Best performing posts from the last year
  • All Time - Best performing posts in the subreddit’s history

Optionally click Add more to monitor additional subreddits


Click the Fetch posts button to start collection

Pricing Volume Impact

Entity TypeVolume Impact

View the pricing page for more information on how we calculate volume usage.